Natural gifts The fungus Shop Manitoulin Island
Fungus Gift

Fungus Shop Logo

Call (705) 377-4512

Located at Fred's Camp off Perivale Road,Spring Bay, Manitoulin Island, Ontario, Canada.

Drop by and ask to see the Fungus Shop.

Artist and fungus
Fungus Care


Fred's Camp
Kagawong Monster
Updated 2009

Background and Insight

The best way to define the art work is, basically assisting Mother Nature, assisting in the message or image by making it become a little more obvious for more people to see and marvel at just how amazing Mother Nature truly is. From the humours side to the more serious side of her nature. As an artist I am only human and do not always understand what Mother Nature has designed, but I try to stay to my original understanding and go as far as simple follow 100% to see where she is going with me … ( I like those journeys) mixed with my own limited imagination the piece is created. It is somewhat normal to have the fungus sit in front of me for over a 1 or 2 years before I can start to see what she has in mind

Many other inspirations come from the people around me, as in the past and as I am sure in the future, many pieces are in part visions in my dreams, where they come from I don’t know, but they have been coming as long as I can remember and the enjoyment of the sleep state. However allowing them to surface some 22 or so years ago playing with paints, and understanding my Fathers need to create helped me understand that I must follow these dreams.

So many of these pieces belong to people, or fit somehow , which is a constant amazement. Over the years the pieces that have gone to there homes in different parts of the world, is a little piece of the Manitou. The one who invited them to Manitoulin Island too begin with, as they have walked with the Manitou in the past.

The very basic understanding I have of it all is, I know and understand that I know absolutely nothing, compared to what is out there, it humble me to no end!... and that’s all I got to say about that! …. Chocolate anyone

A little of the Past!

Over the years of collecting and harvesting fungus from the bush around Manitoulin Island, I dry them over a season about a year, cleaning them and looking over each fungus how it should sit, then what makings Mother Nature has placed on the fungus. Many are as plain as day, others requires a little looking and waiting … not sure why, but I know it comes with waiting ...Ha! Manitoulin Time remember ...Ha!

In the past painting just about anything with a surface of any kind, using acrylics, and oils with brush to automotive painting and air brushing ...and as the visions got bigger and bigger, about 5’x 8’ and so on. However there was a dreamless stage of my life but that was short lived, and healed by the Manitou … which inspired.


Manitoulin Island, it is a place
Help heal your body and soul.
Help remember and reflect
Help forgive and forget
So keep in mind…
Manitoulin Time wasted is Time past
Time captured is Time to remember…
Manitoulin Island.

All I know is that it was my Fathers salvation as it has been and continues to be mine.

One of the last two things my father has tout me, that Time is the only thing we should all be working for, not money not material goodies ...simple Time. The other is that the future or passing is nothing to be feared.

Thankful for:

Having the privilege of my path crossing so many other peoples paths can only be considered privileged. I look forward to the reunions each year, its like watching the seasons each year, you notice the changes, the growth, the feelings, health , colours, the scent, reproduction , the vibrations or receptiveness, how badly there environment is on them. It is a privilege to observe.

Taking the Time to observe, to enjoy the simplest of things Mother Nature has designed, and to know that we are only a part of and not the centre of even this world. Never mind looking up, and checking out the universe, now how small are we? So we should conduct ourselves with that in mind everyday in our out look on our lives and decision making, always.

Hopes, Wishes and Dreams

Understanding that Mother Nature is not the enemy she is the answer!, understanding how she makes things from soil to sunshine, plants and all animals past, present, and future is how we are going to be a part of Mother Natures future. As she is making her long term plans which we can only hope we are a part of, so to draw to much attention to the human race can’t be a good thing. Just one of the many basic rules in nature.

Change the entire human race currencies around this world into Time. One currency on race … the human race, as we enjoy and even celebrate Mother Nature creation everyday. We talk about the weather, or the many different species of birds or fish, plants or animals, but we do not consider the human race with the same regard. The greater we understand this simple fact the sooner we will be able to move into the future.

The original Native on the plant had the correct understanding, that we do not “own the land, no one can own the land, who can anyone own the land?” if you dig a hole the land is still there, if you completely cut down and kill every living thing the land will still be there. Only more indication that we are only part of this world not the owners or masters of this world.

When you think of all the negative energy money and time that has been spent, over our history since the human race arrived, all has gone back to the earth. With this understanding today why are we doing the same thing the past with only one acceptation in a bigger and more negative way. Increasing fear and mistrust within each other, dismissing cultures and different view points when we should be celebrating and using the different view points towards a positive community on this planet. And to realize that to move civilization forward into the future, it will require all human civilization to move in the same direction. Knowing that this planet belongs is owned by no one but to everyone.

A moving canoe, weather towards the future or not can only move in one direction at one time, it is the people in that canoe that determines the direction and time to move, if any at all. And for the simple sake of survival, they all must eventually agree to move in one direction, or parish.

Our next stage in humanity most be the ability to move from division, to utilizing our differences, realizing there import ants but not the focus, the hole human race will be the focus.

Thanks you for reading this far!




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